Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Wednessday February 4th 2015 - Devotional

Pleasing God with your Giving - Heb 11:5
Enoch pleased God with his life. What he did to please God was not particularly stated except that he walked with God. vs 22;24.
One of the way to please God is by giving; giving what? The first thing God looks for in our giving is 'ourselves'. In 2Cor 8:5 Paul impressed with the giving of the Macedonians...''but first gave their own selves to the Lord, and unto us by the will of God''.
Until you've given yourself to God, your money, time, service, songs, etc., means little to Him.
The first record of giving to God in Gen 4..''And God had respect (i.e. accepted and received) unto Abel and His offering''....'' But unto Cain and to His offering he had no respect''. Note that Abel and Cain were distinguished from their offering and the attention was first on them before what they had to offer. This is a very serious issue of the Kingdom.
1. Have you totally and wholly given yourself to God?
2. Why is our offering of things, time and services, singing, dancing, etc., secondary?
3. For Enoch to have pleased God, he must have given so much of ?
(a) Money (b) Songs (c) dancing (d) himself.
O God, I give you my life, my heart, my whole being, i keep nothing from you. Help me to live a totally surrendered life so that my other services will be pleasing to you, born from a heart completely given to you.
As Jesus lived in the principle that ''all mine are thine, and thine are mine''-1Jn 17:10, I chose the same principle of life, Help me Lord in Jesus Name.
Pastor Emmanuel Igwe

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