Maintain Good Works - Titus 3:8
1. Maintaining good works is good and profitable
2. It is a faithful saying and must be constantly affirmed. Maintaining of good works is not optional but mandatory to every one who has received salvation by faith.
To the Ephesians church he told that salvation, though not of works nor by ourselves but an act of divine grace to be received by by faith, but that ''we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works which God ordained that we should walk in them'' - Eph 2:10
Therefore in Titus 2:14 ''Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works''
NB: That though salvation is never by never by good works but is proven by good works. The unbelievers have no capacity for enabling grace through the Holy Spirit given to indwell our spirit ''for it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure (that is good works)'' Phil 2:13.
You are therefore charged to ''work out your own salvation with fear and trembling'' vrs 12.
1. After we are saved is it right to still confess sins since our sins have been taken away?
2. Should a believer continue to sin that grace may abound?
3. How can we maintain good works?
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