Friday, 27 February 2015

Friday 27th February 2015 - Devotional

The fountain of Living Water - Jer 17:13
God lamented in Jer 2 that ''13 For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water''.
What does ''broken cisterns, that can hold no water'' mean ? You see, Isreal, at Jeremiah's time aligned with Egypt for deliverance from the King of babylon, instead of receiving help from Pharaoh, the Babylonians defeated both Egypt and Israel that sought help from them. God is the only giver and sustainer of life. Living water refers to life. Jesus called in John 7:37 ''If any man thirsts, let him come unto me and drink''. He gives life and gives it more abundantly.
To go after other interests and pursue them at the expense of quality time and interest in God amounts to forsaking God and hewing out Cisterns that are broken. Broken in the sense that they cannot provide you the pleasure, satisfaction and blessing that God only can give. Money is good to have for solving many life problems, but when money begins to control our thought actions that we have little or no time for God, it becomes an idol and cistern. God is ready and available to every genuine seeker. Draw near to me and I will draw near to you is His promise. You choose the proximity.
1. What are broken cisterns that can hold no water?
2. What are the ways we can draw near to God?
3. What are the two evils that God said Israel have committed?

O Lord, create in me an new heart with a new desire and longing for you, your word and your ways. Deliver me from pursuing any interest at variance with you, deliver me from being an ex-prayer warrior, ex-witness, ex-zealous christian, etc. Save me from backsliding.

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