Discovering 'God's Business' for your life - Lk 2:49
At twelve Jesus was zealous after the father's business (vs 42). At that age he first discovered that the father's business begins at the house of God. He had never attended a seminar on how to discover one's purpose in life. He was not searching for God's particular purpose for him as many are rightly doing today. One can be busy searching for his/her life purpose through seminars, buying and reading every book that promises an answer, that time is a waste outside God's plan for his life. Jesus knew where to begin and how to fit into God's plan for his life. Aftee the feast of passover in Jerusalem, Jesus enjoyed it so much that he stayed back with the leaders in the temple, obviously those that ministered in one way or the other during the feast, ''seating in the midst of the doctors, both hearing, asking and answering questions. And all that heard him were astonished at his understanding and answers'' - Jn 2:46, 47. When the mother questioned his action, his reply was simple 'I must be about my Father's business'.
We too must therefore be about our Father's business, this business begins from the church - yes, the local church. Discover what you can do to grow the work in your local church. That is how to begin.
1. How much time do you give to the fellowship in the house of God?
2. Jesus discovered His father's business and made it his own, what of you?
Dear father, I want your business to be mine. Fill my heart with the love for your house. Help me to long for your house like David and Jesus, to behold your face and enquire at your sanctuary. Thank You Lord as i receive the grace this morning in Jesus name.
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