Saturday, 25 April 2015

Saturday 25th April 2015 - Devotional

Learning From Joseph's Life - Genesis 50:20
God prepares lives he will use to save many people, but more often than non does it in a way that is unimaginable. He passes such lives through much contradictory circumstances of life. The journey to your dream land usually start towards the opposite direction - such was Joseph's. Don't be afraid to be pulled apart as long as it is in the hands of God in action. You may ask me, how can I know that this trouble is coming from God's hand. Do I have inner peace in the midst of the problem? As long as you are in God's will and not suffering from your sin, peace will attend your heart even in trouble. When it seems like you are loosing, you are actually learning, though you may not know. Whatever experience you pass through, avoid murmuring or fretting because that will drain your strength. WHEN LIFE KNOCKS YOU DOWN, BE SURE IT KNOCKS YOU ON YOUR KNEES. In whatever experience you are exposed to, seek divine promotion rather than human or self-promotion. Joseph wanted the cup bearer to recommend him as a gifted dream interpreter but he forgot him in prison. But when God's time came he was remembered. You will be remembered in Jesus name. Gen 40:23. Only God takes credit for our up-liftment in life.

1. Are you worried that your dream seems far apart from your present position, how are you handling such contradictions?
2. When life's experience knocks you down, what, according to this devotional, should you do?
3. Forgotten but never forsaken, how did this play out in Joseph's life?

Lord, help me to see the contradictions in my experiences as a stepping stone to my maturity and grant me grace to patiently wait on you for promotion. Help me realize that I'm blessed to be a blessing to others at the point of my promotion after the challenges. Thank you Lord. IJN.

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