Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Tuesday 28th April 2015 - Devotional

Discovering 'God's Business' for your life - Lk 2:49
At twelve Jesus was zealous after the father's business (vs 42). At that age he first discovered that the father's business begins at the house of God. He had never attended a seminar on how to discover one's purpose in life. He was not searching for God's particular purpose for him as many are rightly doing today. One can be busy searching for his/her life purpose through seminars, buying and reading every book that promises an answer, that time is a waste outside God's plan for his life. Jesus knew where to begin and how to fit into God's plan for his life. Aftee the feast of passover in Jerusalem, Jesus enjoyed it so much that he stayed back with the leaders in the temple, obviously those that ministered in one way or the other during the feast, ''seating in the midst of the doctors, both hearing, asking and answering questions. And all that heard him were astonished at his understanding and answers'' - Jn 2:46, 47. When the mother questioned his action, his reply was simple 'I must be about my Father's business'.
We too must therefore be about our Father's business, this business begins from the church - yes, the local church. Discover what you can do to grow the work in your local church. That is how to begin.

1. How much time do you give to the fellowship in the house of God?
2. Jesus discovered His father's business and made it his own, what of you?

Dear father, I want your business to be mine. Fill my heart with the love for your house. Help me to long for your house like David and Jesus, to behold your face and enquire at your sanctuary. Thank You Lord as i receive the grace this morning in Jesus name.

Saturday, 25 April 2015

Saturday 25th April 2015 - Devotional

Learning From Joseph's Life - Genesis 50:20
God prepares lives he will use to save many people, but more often than non does it in a way that is unimaginable. He passes such lives through much contradictory circumstances of life. The journey to your dream land usually start towards the opposite direction - such was Joseph's. Don't be afraid to be pulled apart as long as it is in the hands of God in action. You may ask me, how can I know that this trouble is coming from God's hand. Do I have inner peace in the midst of the problem? As long as you are in God's will and not suffering from your sin, peace will attend your heart even in trouble. When it seems like you are loosing, you are actually learning, though you may not know. Whatever experience you pass through, avoid murmuring or fretting because that will drain your strength. WHEN LIFE KNOCKS YOU DOWN, BE SURE IT KNOCKS YOU ON YOUR KNEES. In whatever experience you are exposed to, seek divine promotion rather than human or self-promotion. Joseph wanted the cup bearer to recommend him as a gifted dream interpreter but he forgot him in prison. But when God's time came he was remembered. You will be remembered in Jesus name. Gen 40:23. Only God takes credit for our up-liftment in life.

1. Are you worried that your dream seems far apart from your present position, how are you handling such contradictions?
2. When life's experience knocks you down, what, according to this devotional, should you do?
3. Forgotten but never forsaken, how did this play out in Joseph's life?

Lord, help me to see the contradictions in my experiences as a stepping stone to my maturity and grant me grace to patiently wait on you for promotion. Help me realize that I'm blessed to be a blessing to others at the point of my promotion after the challenges. Thank you Lord. IJN.

Wednesday, 22 April 2015


We've been a journey of discovery, learning and impartation of the Holy ghost. This series has been life changing and has yielded results as the consciousness of believers are being wakened this end time on the importance of the power, gifts and fruits of the spirit.
You can't miss this teaching as it continues today by 6.00PM. We'll be expecting you.

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Wednessday 15th April 2015 - Devotional

Journey to the Wealthy Place - Psalm 66:8-12
When God called Abraham, he did not tell so much about the nature of the journey but as his nature is He never failed to tell about what blessings he would inherit at the end of his travail, a land that flows with milk and honey.
The journey may be rough, long and dangerous but ''preserves our lives'' vs 9. The wealthy place is too good for the untrained and uncultured so he handles the training personally to prove us so that we will not mishandle as to lose the blessing. He tries us as silver is tried and sometimes we are allowed to fall into to the enemies net, not to destroy and afflict us, see vs 12.
Please note that some of the things we attribute to satan is not really devil that should take the credit. God is the 'thou' in the test not satan. Jesus taught us to ask God to deliver us from evil. He is the shepherd not satan. He may lead us through the valley of the shadow of death, he makes sure we go through and not end up there. We go through to the place where the table is set before us.
Always look ahead beyond your present pain and difficulty, there is a wealthy place ahead and that is where you will get to for your portion and inheritance.
''when thou passeth through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee; when thou walketh through the fire; thou shall not be burnt; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee'' Isaiah 43:2.

1. How does God train us in our Journey to be able to enjoy for long, the wealthy place?
2. What kind of encounter are we allowed to have with the waters and fire?
3. Why must we not be burned though we pass through fire and overflown by the rivers though we pass through them?

My Father, grant me inward assurance of your presence as I pass through the waters and fire of this life. May thy spirit keep me assured of my safety, as he helps me to walk in the parts you chant for me in Jesus name. Amen.

Friday, 10 April 2015

Friday 10th April 2015 - Devotional

Get Your Heart Right -2 Chronicles 25:2
Note 'but not with a perfect heart' deals with motives and hidden falsehood in the heart. Jeremiah said that the heart is deceptive above all things and desperately wicked, who can know it? But God Searches our hearts. Judas kissed the master but not of love but betrayal. on-lookers must have thought otherwise, but Jesus was not deceived. Many deceive themselves thinking they can deceive God, no not even with beautifully worded songs. Amazaih's imperfection of heart sooner than later manifested vs 14 ''Now it came to pass, after that Amaziah was come from the slaughter of the Edomites, that he brought the gods of the children of Seir, and set them up to be his gods, and bowed down himself before them, and burned incense unto them'' and 27 ''Now after the time that Amaziah did turn away from following the LORD they made a conspiracy against him in Jerusalem; and he fled to Lachish: but they sent to Lachish after him, and slew him there''. Jesus warned his disciples not to be like the pharisees who stand in the market places making long prayer for show.
Prayer is supposed to be fellowship with God through the holy spirit, but it can be for mere religion and showmanship - so also fasting, giving and every christian service. Set your heart in order and be sure of your motives.

1. How can i know if my motive is wrong or right
2. Who do you seek to impress with your actions, men, self or God
3.Can you remember past actions of yours that though right was not with a perfect heart

O Lord God, My father, I ask for Grace to adjust my actions to always be from a right motive so I will always please you and attract your blessing. Create inme a perfect heart and renew the right Spirit within me in Jesus name.

Monday, 6 April 2015

Easter Monday 6th April 2015 - Devotional

Grace 1- Titus 2:11,12
Grace has always been defined as unmerited favor, but its scope goes beyond that. It has more to do with abilities we do not have by ourselves but which God gives to us to do what we can't do by our own strength. The Greek word 'Charis' translated severally as grace is also from where 'gifts of the spirit' is translated. It refers to enablement by the Holy Spirit; so the scripture talks  of grace in 2Cor 9:8 ''Grace abounds toward you, so that... you will abound in every good work...''
Grace  to speak in love so as not to hurt people - Col 4:6; Grace to give 2Cor 8:7, etc.
In our text we discovered teaches (that is enables, informs and empowers) to deny ungodliness and worldly lust. It also has positive work, helping us to live soberly, righteously and godly in this present world, as we look forward to His coming.
Always bear in  mind that grace does not in any way mean living licentious, sinful life and putting the sin under the blood, No:
Titus 2:14 made it clear that salvation is from sin and all iniquity and purifies us unto God, giving us the burning desire to do good works.

1. Can one who has received grace fall into sin?
2. Can one saved by grace practice sinful living?
3. What happens when we sin after receiving salvation by grace? Psalm 19:7

Dear Lord, never allow the devil to deceive me into living carelessly through misunderstanding of the true biblical grace, help  me yield to the power of the indwelling spirit to work out the salvation he is graciously working in my heart. May i not receive the grace of God in vein.

Friday, 3 April 2015

Good Friday

Join us as we celebrate Jesus Death with brought about Life @ Restoration Hour Jesus Ministry on the 3rd of April 2015.
Morning Section - 8AM
Evening Section - 5PM

Dear Samson2 - The Redemption

Poem - Dear Samson 2 - The Redemption

Dear Samson:
You’ve been avoiding me, and I’m still trying to figure out why…
I called you out and separated you from the others that passed by…
You caught my attention and I decided to make you my friend…
I shared my possessions with you, and your life I tried to amend…
Even when you couldn’t trace your steps, I led you to safety…
You weren’t perfect, but then I did all I could to make sure you were free…
But at a point you strayed…
Like a sheep without a shepherd, you went your own way…
All you wanted was your definition of freedom, the kind that comes with pleasures…
You wanted all there was to life, its gold, silver, and earthly treasures…
I offered you so much more than just momentary fun…
All you needed was patience, but you’re so stubborn…
Now you’re stuck in a mud and can’t come out…
You’ve been identified as a thief, now they want to take you out…
You are scared, running and hiding from your accuser’s wrath…
You’ll be burnt at the stake without mercy if you’re caught…
Yes, you’re guilty, yes you deserve it…
Even though you try to deny it, we both know you truly did it…
But that’s where I come in, a friend indeed…
I stepped in and took your place, to help a friend in need…
You watched as they tore my clothes to pieces…
Crushed my head with stones, stripped me naked, and left me with bruises…
The shame and pain I felt as blood rushed from my head…
All because of my love for you, I died in your stead…
Where were your friends, heroine Delilah, greed, and the others you had on your phone…
They’re nowhere to be found, they all ran and left you on your own…
I stood before you, professing my love without borders, unconditional, without end…
Greater love has no man that this, a friend lay down his life for his friend…
Now you can walk freely with new clothes…
Where are your accusers, they’ve turned back to their homes…
To them, the traitor has been terminated…
But where your sin abounds, my grace remains sufficient…
Dad awaits, I tore the veil so you can go boldly through the door…
Neither do I condemn you, be on your way, go and sin no more…
Remember on this day, as the world celebrates Love…
As your hair begins to grow, and your problems are being solved…
Greater Love has no man than this, as written by your brother John…
That a friend lays down His life, and gives eternal life in return…
Your Friend,
Dead, Buried, and Risen and waiting your return.

Written By Diolu Tobechukwu Prosper