Created as inspired
on the 7th of July 2016
(A daily knowledge of
God as revealed by the Holy spirit through the very challenges we face)
Vision age
Chapter 2
Then God revealed his love to the whole world,
sent his only son to die for us all, but as usual, not many believed, people
tried to analyze as they analyzed the creation of the world
How did it start? Could word produce life? Who
did God marry? How could he have a son? Mortal men trying to analyze the person
of our Great God, so he made a mockery of their wisdom and revealed it to babes
and lifted them from their low state
Those who knew that the knowledge of God could
not be gotten from science or philosophy, for as many as received Him, to them
he gave power to become His sons
Having adopted them according to his
foreknowledge, those who would be called according to his name
They accepted him and beheld his glory and as
much as they saw, they gladly told the story of God’s goodness and grace
revealed through His Son
To the wise seemed foolish, to the foolish
revealed as the wisdom of God
That whosoever believes would not perish but
have everlasting life; Those who were dead lived again, those who lived would never
And as usual our minds could not phantom the
concept of eternal life, the truth became corrupted with philosophy of men and
a mental interpretation of His word
And then he lamented, ‘if the son of man shall
come, shall he find faith on earth’
Lazarus raised from the dead, the blind received
sight, the elements of nature bowed to His lordship, how quick could that have
been forgotten how that even Death lost its sting and grave its captives
For he held the very captivity captive, and gave
gifts to men, hell with all its woes couldn’t stand the glory of the risen son,
they bowed at the mention of his name
That same wonder working spirit being given in
measures to all who believe
In bringing many sons to glory he made the
author of their salvation perfect through suffering
The process of the old and new testimony was God
revealing himself to us: And now we having the same spirit of faith believed
and so we speak
Women receiving their dead back to life, men being
held captive by sin set free by the power of God, in every generation, people
who experienced through that very process, process of faith, from rejection to
honor, from poverty to plenty, from sickness to health, from torment to peace
We all who have received him could testify of
this very thing, that he who began a good work, is able to save to the
uttermost because he lives forever interceding for us
Some of us are still in that process of knowing,
for the knowledge of God could not be grasped in a lifetime
Everlasting life is a timeless limitless space
of understanding the dynamics of God, for every facet of revelation comes with
great victory over that challenge
But what the devil offers is an exchange,
temporary pleasure for a journey of knowing, capitalizing on the weakness of
our flesh, he often has his way
But those who won’t give up, the righteous falls
seven times, and seven times he rises as he, the devil fails to understand that’s
the concept of redemption, there’s no fatal failure for a child of God
For God is revealed in and through every
experience, like air, his omnipresence is felt, we can’t survive long without
Him: Knowing that in Him we live, in Him we move, In Him we have our being
And this is what is amazing
That we, to whom the son has been revealed, with an
unveiled face, as we behold him in a glass, we become changed to his very image
And very soon, as we triumph over the god of
this world: We will know as we are
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