Thursday, 12 March 2015

Thursday March 12th 2015 -Devotional

When You Have Sinned - Psalm 51; 1-20

Samuel confronted Saul of his sins but he refused to acknowledge it, defending it was permitted by him subject for a sacrifice to God. Sin is simply acting in defiance of God. At another time, he couldn’t wait for Prophet Samuel to make the sacrifice that Precedes battle. When confronted, he started making excuses. 1 Sam 13 vs 11 and Samuel said unto him ‘’what hast thou done? thou hast done foolishly. Thou hast not kept the commandments of the Lord thy God which he commanded thee. For now would the Lord have established thy kingdom upon Israel forever. But now, thy kingdom shall not continue’’ 1 Sam 13 vs 13. When in 2 sam12, Nathan the prophet confronted David of his sin, he replied in vs 13 ‘’ and David said unto Nathan, I have sinned against the Lord’’ and Nathan said unto David, ‘’ the Lord also has put away thy sins, thou shall not die’’
Don’t begin to hide from God and his servants and your Christian brethren. They are your family. God is merciful and gracious. Judas perished because he hid his soul from God. Peter wept before God after denying the Christ and was restored. Jesus finally said to him ‘’feed my Lamb’’
When we sin and start running, we will continue to sin and there will remain no grace for such a sinning saint. Sin distances us from God, repentance bridges the gap and brings restoration. Take time to go through psalm 51 vs 1-20 in a quiet place and at a quiet time. God despises such sacrifices because as David his successor, said in psalm 51 vs 17 ‘’the sacrifice of God are a broken spirit and a  contrite heart, O God, thou will not despise’’.
When Christians sin, they break fellowship with God but retains their Son-ship, there only require to seek restoration fellowship. When fellowship is broken, joy of the Lord is lost.

  • How do I know when I have sinned against God?

  •     When God hides his face from our sins, on what does he focus it?
  • Why is it important we quickly acknowledge our sins rather than increase our offerings and tithes to appease God?

O Lord God, the merciful, faithful and just God, grant unto thy servants forgiveness and cleanse me from all unrighteousness. Cast me not away from your presence, take not thy holy spirit from me, so that I do not become reprobate. Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation and uphold me with thy free spirit. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Name.

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