Sunday, 29 March 2015

Sunday 29th March 2015 - Devotional

Sunday Morning Victory - Luke 24:1-6
Jesus died, Jesus was buried; Jesus rose from the dead. This is the Gospel preach by the Apostle (1 Cor 5:3-5) and this the gospel we preach today. We preach Jesus ''who hath abolished death, and hath brought life and immortality to light through the Gospel'' - 2 Tim 1:10.
That faithful early Sunday morning Jesus Christ gave a technical knock out to man's greatest enemy namely sin and death.
'' the sting of death is sin and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks to God who giveth us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ'' - 1 Cor 15:56,57.
''Therefore my beloved brethren be strong, unmovable always abounding in the works of the Lord, foreasmuch as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord'' - 1 Cor 15:58.

1. Should the believer be afraid of death?
2. What 3 aspects of Christ's experiences forms the Gospel?
- Read Heb 2:14,15 and compare with above.

That God by the spirit revealed to you the depth of victory over death and ''Him that had the power of death that is the devil'', so that you will be forever free from the fear of death that you never be subject to its bondage anymore in Jesus name.
Pray that more abundant grace be released and the gift of righteousness be evidenced in your life so you reign in life by Christ Jesus. Rom 5:17

Palm Sunday

  You won't wanna miss it for the world as we introduce R.Media Palm Sunday on the Streets.... Catch the Thriller, be there....

Monday, 23 March 2015

Monday 23rd March 2015 - Devotional

Self Discipline or Applied Discipline - Genesis 20:6
Paul said ''... i put my body under subjection'' - 1 Cor 9:27. In Gen 20, Abraham afraid that the people of the land had no fear of God, told Abimelech that Sarah was his sister because her beauty might cause the king to slay him for her sake. The king hearing that she was his sister took Sarah and would have slept with her but for divine intervention. God made him impotent and disciplined him, would have killed him if he persisted. This is applied discipline enforced by God to hold us back from sin. God can afflict us for a season but like Paul we should cooperate with the Holy spirit in us to discipline our body when they try to lead us to sin.
Subjection (according to 1 Cor 9:27) is to the word of God and the spirit of God, this is self discipline. God will rather have us exercise self disciple through the help of the indwelling spirit that inflict discipline on us. Jesus said we should cut off any body member that causes us to sin, not with the use of knife but through self discipline we should treat such member as though they were not alive.

1. Have you experienced any form of applied discipline?
2. How can i keep my body under subjection?
3. Why did paul in 1Cor 9:27 keep his body under subjection?

Father, thank you for the Holyspirit given to help me rule over my emotions and body, for by him you work in me both to will and to do of your good pleasure. Help to always be submissive to His leading, so that I be not cast away at the last day. Thank you Lord for answer in Jesus name. Amen

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Thursday 19th March 2015 - Devotional

When Down and Out - Romans 8:31
When it looks like you are left to yourself, and all seem to be against you, you can be rest assured that God never forgets his own. King Saul and his army spent the most of his life pursuing David to kill him. People betrayed him and he kept running for safety, yet his psalms were filled with songs of praises and confession of confidence in God who remained his hiding place. You are never destitute until God in response to your actions turns away his countenance from you. ''God has said, I will never leave or forsake you''-Heb 13;5. The water of Hebrew is referring to God's promise in the O.T to Israel. He knows that the church is the isreal of God and therefore has right to all such promises to Abraham and His seed. He was claiming Deut 31;6 where moses encouraged Israel to ''Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee''. Claim these promises boldly and verbally, ''So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me''- Heb 13;6.
Living intelligently means not living your experiences to chances but finding out what God's plan is for your life as revealed in the scriptures and aligning yourself with it. Faith attracts God, so build up your faith.
Love God and demonstrate it, for wonderful things are in stock for those who love him, invest into Kingdom business, Love his children. Gain God's approval and forget about those who peach against you. Spend your energy developing relationship with God and you will never be out though sometimes down.

1. Why must we refuse to be out even when down?
2. What does it mean to live intelligently as a christian?
3. Why should we not bother much about people negative actions towards us?

O Lord, when life's problem weigh me down, remember your promises upon which to rest my hope. Never allow me to forsake developing fellowship with you. Teach me to seek to develop my faith and love for you in Jesus name.

Thursday, 12 March 2015

Thursday March 12th 2015 -Devotional

When You Have Sinned - Psalm 51; 1-20

Samuel confronted Saul of his sins but he refused to acknowledge it, defending it was permitted by him subject for a sacrifice to God. Sin is simply acting in defiance of God. At another time, he couldn’t wait for Prophet Samuel to make the sacrifice that Precedes battle. When confronted, he started making excuses. 1 Sam 13 vs 11 and Samuel said unto him ‘’what hast thou done? thou hast done foolishly. Thou hast not kept the commandments of the Lord thy God which he commanded thee. For now would the Lord have established thy kingdom upon Israel forever. But now, thy kingdom shall not continue’’ 1 Sam 13 vs 13. When in 2 sam12, Nathan the prophet confronted David of his sin, he replied in vs 13 ‘’ and David said unto Nathan, I have sinned against the Lord’’ and Nathan said unto David, ‘’ the Lord also has put away thy sins, thou shall not die’’
Don’t begin to hide from God and his servants and your Christian brethren. They are your family. God is merciful and gracious. Judas perished because he hid his soul from God. Peter wept before God after denying the Christ and was restored. Jesus finally said to him ‘’feed my Lamb’’
When we sin and start running, we will continue to sin and there will remain no grace for such a sinning saint. Sin distances us from God, repentance bridges the gap and brings restoration. Take time to go through psalm 51 vs 1-20 in a quiet place and at a quiet time. God despises such sacrifices because as David his successor, said in psalm 51 vs 17 ‘’the sacrifice of God are a broken spirit and a  contrite heart, O God, thou will not despise’’.
When Christians sin, they break fellowship with God but retains their Son-ship, there only require to seek restoration fellowship. When fellowship is broken, joy of the Lord is lost.

  • How do I know when I have sinned against God?

  •     When God hides his face from our sins, on what does he focus it?
  • Why is it important we quickly acknowledge our sins rather than increase our offerings and tithes to appease God?

O Lord God, the merciful, faithful and just God, grant unto thy servants forgiveness and cleanse me from all unrighteousness. Cast me not away from your presence, take not thy holy spirit from me, so that I do not become reprobate. Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation and uphold me with thy free spirit. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Name.

Monday, 9 March 2015

Monday 9th March 2015 - Devotional

It Depends on your Peace of Mind - John 14:1

When we accept salvation by faith we give our heart to the Lord. It is no longer ours but his. He calls it our heart but we call it His. He gave it to us to manage. We should be wise enough to give it back to him to manage for us. In the text (john 14 vs 1) he advices us to let not our heart be troubled meaning that circumstances, Satan, men or life challenges should not be allowed to steal our heart from us, we are to let or let not. When we let the outside waves, storms, vices into our heart, we lose control and peace of mind which invariably negatively affect us including our health. We can close and lock our heart from this forces and enjoy the gift which God joyfully supplies.
Jesus told the disciples that he was leaving them for the father’s presence and that it was for good, to prepare their enter habitation I heaven. But that he comes back to take them. However between then and the present they have to be in control of their heart least it drift to anxiety. We know that God intend good for us. We always believe in a colourful future but the problem is in waiting period before the blessing or future become present.
We must learn to trust in God. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. That is God of the past, present, and the future. ‘’thou we keep him in perfect peace, where mind is stayed on thee; because he trusted in thee’’. Isaiah 26 vs 3
1.       What are you troubled about at present that this devotion is meant to address and handle?
2.       How will you allow your mind to stay on God instead of your problems and challenges?
3.       Who will you trust for your future condition, the circumstances with satan the perpetrator of trouble or in God who always cause his children to triumph in all things through his son JESUS CHRIST
OH! Lord, I beseech thee in Christ Jesus name to help me by your spirit to master my circumstances from my challenges permanently unto you, so I can enjoy perfect peace from you who gives peace that is beyond the worlds understanding.