God never begins a relationship with anyone without calling that person from his usual lifestyle and inclinations. How dirty, Godless and Sinful that person is does not matter so much as how willing He/She is to respond positively to the call.
Father Abraham was in idolatry with His father Tera. Saul was an Antichrist, persecuting Christ and His followers. Matthew and Zacchaeus were in a Job that was oppressive to God's people - Isreal, as they were both tax collectors for Rome. Rehab was a renowned prostitute when called.
Two things common with these people was that they were;
1. Called to leave their spiritual, moral and geographical (some of them) position to follow the Lord.
2. They all left everything they had and followed Him
Benefits of answering the call abounds. Over 2000 scriptural promises are theirs including eternal life.
Rom 8:30.KJV. 'Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.'
Questions for meditation
1. Have you heard his call ? When? and How?
2. Have you responded to His call?
3. What and where have you left to answer His call?
Prayer: Ask God to help you respond totally and wholly to His call, to qualify you to claim His many promises and enjoy the many benefits - Psalm 103:1 - 5.
May the righteous God open your spiritual ears and heart to always hear and obey His voice as you progress in the Kingdom life this year In Jesus Name.
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