Saturday, 31 January 2015

Saturday 30th Jan 2015 - Devotional

Exceeding Greatness - 2Chronicles 17;12
This year you will wax great exceedingly in Jesus name. You can position yourself so God places you in a higher position. ''3 And the LORD was with Jehoshaphat, because he walked in the first ways of his father David, and sought not unto Baalim;  4 But sought to the LORD God of his father, and walked in his commandments, and not after the doings of Israel'' - 2 Chron 17;3,4. Judah and Isreal were people of God, but the Israelite and their Kings lived a God dishonoring life. Jehosaphat refused their ways and studied to live after the acceptable life of his predecessor David.
We too can discern christian leaders and their congregation who though fellow people of God live a shameful lifestyle and refuse to identify with such. God told Elijah, at the time Israel backslided and bowed to the ungodly life of Baalam worshipers , that he has about seven thousand in Israel who have not bowed their knees to worship Baal - 1Kings 19;18.
You can be among the few who will not bow to the pressure of this sinful world. You can dare to be different. You too can wax great exceedingly by choosing to be close to God and removing far from you anything that displeases God.
1. Is it possible to trust God to lift us up in this life?
2. What does it mean for ones heart to be lifted up in the ways of the Lord? - 2Chron 17;6
 - Read and understand Psalm 127;1,2.
O Lord, of a truth except you promote a man, he labors in vein for promotion. Hard work as commendable as it is cannot take any man far without your help. Help me enlarge my coast so that I can be relevant to your Kingdom expansion. Receive divine favor to greater height in Jesus name.

Friday, 30 January 2015

Video - Pst Uzo Hez
A timely revelation based message on the importance of soberness in this present age, by Pastor Uzo Hez.
Watch or download through the above link.

Friday 30th January 2015 - Devotional

Reducing Enmity - Proverbs 16;7
The bible said so much about enemies and we see so much of their activities on earth today. Some enemies operate in secrecy, some openly. Enemies are dangerous and they make life a battle field. But some people are so enemy conscious that a good chunk of their lives is spent on defending themselves and a little time is left to do gainful  work of service to God, family or the society. God expects us to live in freedom rather than fear. We are enjoined to ''Stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and not to be entangled again with the yoke of bondage''-Gal 5;1. Our verse for today makes it clear that God can reduce enmity when we live a life that pleases him. So instead of spending our time searching, fighting and defending ourselves fro enemies, we should seek ways to live a God-pleasing and God-honoring life. When we do, He makes even our enemies to be at peace with us.
1. How does God make enemies to be at peace? 2 Chronicles 20;27-30, 1 Chron 22;9
2. How can we live a God-pleasing life?
3. Why are they so much enemies?
4. Who is our chief enemy and how can we defeat him?
That the Holy spirit help you live a God-pleasing life on daily bases. That God fights your cause as you seek to please Him more everyday.

Thursday, 29 January 2015

Thursday 29th Jan 2015 - Devotional

Qualified for the Master's use - 2Timothy 2;21
God seldom use dirty unsanctified huan vessels. ''Depart ye, go ye out of thence, touch not unclean things, go ye out to the midst of her; be ye clean, ye that bear the vessel of the Lord'' - Isaiah 52;11.
When Isaiah had the vision of God's Holiness, he also saw his own filthiness and that of his audience. He abhored and loathed what he saw and cried out for Help, ''woe is me for I am undone because i'm a man of unclean lips....'' - Isaiah 6;5-7.
His mouth was cleansed with a long of fire and purged fro sin, then God sent him.
We saw in Jeremiah 28;11 why moab was useless because they had not gone through purifying process.
 When grape or vine is pressed, it is poured into another jar while the dress are thrown away. This process continues until the pure wine is gotten with good taste and scent. The pouring  from jar to jar is to remove every impurity and present it good for use. This is how God makes his children useable. He uses challenges to sift away every impurity of the flesh.
We are to yield to this unpalatable process for our good if we must be useful to the kingdom.
1. Have you ever experienced God's purging?
2. Recall few of such experiences.
3. What effect did it have in your life?
Ask God, the potter to break you, remold and fill you with his spirit. Pray for understanding heart to recognize and yield to his work in your life. May the everlasting arm of God rest upon you to make you that vessel of his choice in Jesus name.
Pastor Emanuel Igwe 

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Wednessday 28 Jan 2015 - Devotional

There must be emptying before filling 

God seldom use undone vessels, Isaiah said ''woe is me, I am a man of unclean lips and i dwell among people of unclean lips''-Ish 6;5, which means that he was like the world around Him. God cannot use such people, He had to send Isaiah's lips back to the fire to get properly done. This is the process of emptying from vessel to vessel. It is the process of crucifixion of the flesh. Paul was told many things he would suffer for the name of Christ before he would be used in a maximum way by God.
Don't be angry over the emptying process, you need it to excel in the kingdom of God. Yield to the discipline of God and let the shine in you emerge.

1. How can one be emptied to make room for the Holy Ghost Infilling ?
2. Emptied of what?
3. How does change of taste and scent reveal an emptied vessel?
4. What are the characteristics of a vessel that has passed through emptying and infilling process?

That God grant you the grace to wait patiently as he empties the flesh in you to make room for his spirit's infilling. You are relevant to His kingdom, therefore ask Him to do His work in you. 

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Tuesday 27/01/2014 - Devotional

Paul told the Corinthians 'Thou fool, that which thou sowest is not quickened, except it dies' - 1Cor 15:36. The power of resurrection is hidden in the mystery of death. No death, no resurrection and no fulfillment, no fruiting. Many lives are useless to God because of refusal to die. Until we die to the flesh we abide alone, meaning we are useless to the kingdom of God and have a hopeless future. Apostle paul was one of the most fruitful servants of God ever known, hear him. 'I am crucified with Christ; nevertheless i live;yet not I, but Christ lives in me...' - Gal 2:20.
1. What is a crucified life?
2.How do i know I am living a crucified life?
3.Do I have to ask Christian friends to physically ask christian friends to nail me to the cross?
4.Last week a Redeemed member in his middle 20s was fasting and cut off his manhood because it was as he said 'causing him to sin' and Jesus said to cut off any part that would lead you to sin. Isn't this the best way to live a crucifies life?
(Send your answers as comments)
Prayer: O Lord, I yield to the Holy Spirit totally, my Spirit soul and body, I surrender to you. Take full control of my will, emotion and desires. Work in me that which seemeth right in thy sight. Give me power to not be desirous of vain glory.  

Sunday, 25 January 2015

Trending Sunday Service - 25/01/2015

Mr and Mrs Ossai
Choir Ministration - Victoria
Pst Emma Igwe
Pst. Rose (-left-) an

Mrs. Eminue
Evan Eminue Dancing
Agwu Kachi Leading Worship

Mr. Chinedu Dancing

Saturday, 24 January 2015

Trending....Pastor Doris Linus 22/1/2015

Topic-Power for Service
Text- John 20;22
'Yesterday's Experience is not enough for today's Encounter'

Thursday, 22 January 2015

Thursday JAN 22 2015 - Devotional

The greek word translated 'the church' is Ecclesia (ekklesia) Originally meaning 'an assembly' called out by legitimate authority. Now this legitimate authority or magistrate is God. We are the church, the called out ones, called to inherit his blessings. When anyone accepts the call via the gospel, repents of sinful lifestyle, receives forgiveness of sins and comes to Jesus to begin a new life, he or she is taken for water baptism to demonstrate an end to old sinful life buried in the water - grave - and risen into a new life to enjoy the inheritance of the saints in light - Col 1:12,13, having being delivered from the power of darkness and translated into the kingdom of God's dear son.
My God! exciting, isn't it? Something to dance, shout and talk about. But if your eyes is not opened to this great truth full of privileges you remain cold and that baffles angels.
When i answered salvation call, I danced home drunk with Joy unspeakable and full of glory. This Joy consumed me for days. I am still basking in the euphoria and beauty of that experience after over 43 years.
Questions for consideration
1. How much difference is your present life from that before you believed?
2. What observers, people that see, hear and relate with you say about you? Is it complementary or Judgmental?
3. The believers were called Christians by unbelievers at Anthioch. What do they call you?
4. Are you living a joyful life or gloomy?
Prayer: Father, let the beauty of Jesus be seen in me, all his wondrous compassion and purity. O spirit divine, come, my nature refine till the beauty of Jesus be seen in me.
Pastor Emmanuel Igwe

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Wednessday JAN 21st 2015 - Devotional

There are different stages and levels of God's call, but we want to concern our devotional meditation on the first level - Call unto Salvation.
In 2Thes 2:13-14 'God has from the beginning chosen you to salvation through the sanctification of the spirit and belief of the truth whereunto He called you by the gospel'
Through the gospel, sinners condemned to eternal damnation are called to become saints.
1 Cor 1:2 ' them that are sanctified in Christ, called to be saints...'.
When the sinner believes the gospel, repents and accepts Jesus as Lord, the Lord through the spirit cleanses and washes away all sin and makes such one holy and acceptable unto God; that is salvation.
Then the sinner, now turned saint, receives right to enjoy every blessing provided by Jesus Christ including answer to prayers . That is why at the instant of salvation, Jesus said in Luke 15:7 'I say unto you that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth'.
Joy also fills the heart of the sinner now saved, it's called the 'Joy of Salvation' - Psalm 51:12
'And we know that all things work together for good to them... who are called according to His purpose'. - Rom 8:28.
Note: Whatever is happening in your life today will work out for good. When we are aware of this, no fear, anxiety or worry can torment our lives. Bad will work out for good.

Prayer: O Lord God of my salvation, thank you for saving me through the sanctification of the spirit and making me a saint in Christ. Help me to live like a saint and no more like a sinner in Jesus name. 
Pastor Emmanuel Igwe.

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

TUESDAY JAN 20th 2015 - Devotional

God never begins a relationship with anyone without calling that person from his usual lifestyle and inclinations. How dirty, Godless and Sinful that person is does not matter so much as how willing He/She is to respond positively to the call.
Father Abraham was in idolatry with His father Tera. Saul was an Antichrist, persecuting Christ and His followers. Matthew and Zacchaeus were in a Job that was oppressive to God's people - Isreal, as they were both tax collectors for Rome. Rehab was a renowned prostitute when called.
Two things common with these people was that they were;
1. Called to leave their spiritual, moral and geographical (some of them) position to follow the Lord.
2. They all left everything they had and followed Him
Benefits of answering the call abounds. Over 2000 scriptural promises are theirs including eternal life.
Rom 8:30.KJV. 'Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.'
Questions for meditation
1. Have you heard his call ? When? and How?
2. Have you responded to His call?
3. What and where have you left to answer His call?
Prayer: Ask God to help you respond totally and wholly to His call, to qualify you to claim His many promises and enjoy the many benefits - Psalm 103:1 - 5.
May the righteous God open your spiritual ears and heart to always hear and obey His voice as you progress in the Kingdom life this year In Jesus Name.

Daily Devotional To Strengthen For The Journey

Restoration Hour is designed to supply the christian pilgrim with the required spiritual, moral and physical strength for his journey to the eternal home of the redeemed. The church in the wilderness survived by this for forty years from Egypt (the world) to Canaan (heavenly home).
Elijah was weary and prayed for death but God supplied heavenly food which sustained him through his 40 days/night's Journey - 1Kings 19.
In Deut 8:3, '......and fed thee with manna, which thou knewest not, neither did thy fathers know; that he might make thee know that man doth not live by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the LORD doth man live.'
The manna came with the dew of heaven, and early in the morning before the sun rose, the people gathered as much as they could eat for that day, not to be stored for the next day except the day preceding sabbath day.
Jesus also taught in this wise 'give us each day our daily bread', therefore, RESTORATION MANNA will be available for daily consumption as God enables us.
Your spiritual welfare is our responsibility and Joy.
Pastor Emmanuel Igwe.

Monday, 19 January 2015

Sunday Service 18/01/2015

After a section of 1 hour prayers by Pastor Felix, we had a great time of praise and worship followed by a bible reading by our youth president Adara Afolabi from John 17, an account of Jesus' prayer for His disciples and the saints, immediately followed by choir ministration which was a blast.
We enjoyed an old school song ministration by Pastor Emmanuel Igwe, and then the word was beyond words, it was a load of revelations, insightful and transforming by Pastor Uzo Hex, a one time youth pastor in RHJM.
See Pictures below as message will soon be made available online.

Sunday, 11 January 2015


The Shunammite Woman
It was a great service as we prayed, worshiped, praised and listened to God's word spoken by Pastor Emmanuel Igwe.

We were fed from 2Kings 4, the account of the Shunammite woman who was considered as great because of rare attributes she possessed in spite of her feminism.

2Ki 4:8 ¶ And it fell on a day, that Elisha passed to Shunem, where was a great woman; and she constrained him to eat bread. And so it was, that as oft as he passed by, he turned in thither to eat bread.

She was a strong, confident woman who could discern and who knew what to do per season. She took advantage of the presence of the prophet and she received the Prophet's Reward.

Its an expository, 'Must Watch' message.

Message would be uploaded soon.......
Here are some photos............

The Shunammite Woman